Call (918) 258-2779

Tax Preparation
We offer personal, business, gift and estate tax preparation
services at competitive, affordable rates.
FREE Consultation  
Bookkeeping and Accounting
Forget the shoebox – or logging countless hours 
at tax time trying to get your books updated.
FREE Consultation  

We are happy to help our clients with audits, administration problems, and compliance issues at the federal and state levels.

Bookkeeping and Accounting

Our goal is to provide a high level of accountability and transparency, which is why we always invite you to participate in the bookkeeping process.

Tax AuditRepresentation

Our full sales tax audit representation can help you make your case before the IRS as well as state and local taxing authorities.

Our Goal

Our objective is to use the Tax Code to legally minimize the tax impact on you and your business. Simply put, to maximize what goes into your pocket

We work with the complex tax system to YOUR best advantage, whenever possible. Remember, as the Code changes, so does the strategy that will work best for you.

We provide bookkeeping, tax preparation, and tax consulting. If the IRS or the State wants to look closer, we will help you with the audit.

Our bookkeeping is Cloud Based. That allows you 24/7 access from any where in the world.

Please use the other pages as you wish. They include a payroll calculator, financial calculators, news, etc.

Call now to schedule your FREE consultation.

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